Clean Beauty— Within

At Elizabeth Few Studio, we’re all about clean beauty— from the inside out. In times of stress, when even our skin feels dull and achy, we turn to our pantry for the cure-all. Good skin starts in the gut, so we’re always looking for new recipes to boost our immunity, improve digestive health, and ultimately get that glow-from-within that only a healthy body can truly reveal. Read below for three easy blends to give you that golden-hour glow, even after the sun’s gone down...
- The Best Golden Milk Ever
I secretly enjoy being a little bit sick the same way I enjoy being a little hungover— it’s an excuse to answer emails from my bed, to rewatch all the best Sex and the City episodes, to order food to the apartment and skip my regularly-scheduled spin class. That being said, I still like to stay somewhat true to my usual ritual of a morning latte, so I leave my bed to make this: The Best Golden Milk Ever.
You will need:
1/2 tbsp Anima Mundi Turmeric
1 tbsp Activist Manuka Honey +300
1 tbsp Moon Juice Collagen Protect
A pinch each of salt, cardamom, cinnamon, and black pepper
8 oz of warmed oat milk (or your milk of choice)
Blend together and bump up the sweetness as needed. Personally, I end up using about 1.5 tbsp of honey (licking the spoon doesn’t count).
This is my absolute favorite tonic to make when I’m feeling under the weather. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory, making it a cure-all for digestive issues, sore throats, and even the blues! Turmeric has properties to help fight depression and anxiety, as well as boost your mood and energy levels. I think the real secret behind this recipe is the honey. Activist Honey is wildcrafted in New Zealand by bees that pollinate the native Manuka Bush. This delicious honey promotes everyday health and well-being thanks to its high-enzyme count and antibacterial properties. Blend with turmeric and you’ve got an easy flu-fighting, hangover-helping, golden tonic.
2. Matcha Latte
If you need an energy booster, look no further than matcha. Ceremonial-grade matcha, which is what we recommend for home cooking and baking, has an incredible rainbow of benefits. Matcha is a natural, jitter-free, energy goldmine. A spoonful of matcha per day is great for energy levels, hormone balance, anti-aging, metabolism, detoxification, mood-boosting… the list goes on! This four ingredient matcha latte reveals the earthiness of matcha, without the calorie-heavy additive of processed sugar or other unnatural syrups you might find in coffeehouse matcha.
You will need:
1.5 oz rosewater
1 tbsp Ceremonial Grade Matcha (such as Boketto or Matcha Kari)
5 oz oat milk (or your milk of choice)
1 small tbsp of Activist Manuka Honey +300
Blend together and bump up the ingredients as needed. For a more earthy treat, do away with the honey. For something more floral, add another ounce of rosewater and go a little heavier on the honey. You can’t go wrong! Serve hot or iced.
3. Garlic Broth.
I stole this recipe from my friends at Boketto Wellness, who I rave about all the time! Garlic is an amazing tool for stopping illness in its tracks because it boasts an incredible array of healthy properties— vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese, and a ton of antioxidants.
Here's what you need to make this medicinally potent power-player:
2 heads of garlic
2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
A handful of herbs (sage and cilantro are nice here)
Kosher salt & ground pepper
- 2 quarts of water
- 2 limes, juiced
Slice 1 head of garlic in half crosswise; set aside. Separate cloves from remaining head, peel, and crush lightly. Heat 2 Tbsp. oil in a large saucepan over medium. Add crushed garlic cloves and cook, tossing occasionally, until golden brown and softened, 8–10 minutes. Add 2 quarts water, increase heat to high, and bring mixture to a boil. Add herbs and reserved halved head of garlic. Reduce heat so broth is at an active simmer and cook until garlic is very tender and broth is reduced by nearly half, 30–40 minutes. Season generously with salt and pepper.
Strain broth through a mesh sieve into a large bowl (or, pass a wide slotted spoon through it a few times to fish out garlic and herbs).
I take cues from the Boketto team and add mushrooms and some rice noodles to the broth, letting it simmer after it's been strained for an additional five minute period to really get all the flavors mixed together. If my taste buds aren't doing me favors, I like to add soy sauce (GF!).