Immunity | Three Ways to Boost Your Health

Living in Richmond, Virginia, I am lucky to live less than a mile away from everyone's favorite wellness hub: Boketto Wellness and Living. A few casual visits to the shop bloomed into a beautiful friendship with Boketto's owner and house-acupuncturist, Jelena Nikolajevic. Bonding over our rituals, our NYC pasts, and the joys of silk— we quickly became friends and collaborators. Now, I am excited to present Jelena's core-philosophies on immunity and staying strong and healthy throughout the seasons.
These three practices are bound by ritual. At their core, these rituals are as uplifting as they are relaxing, as effective as they are ethereal. I encourage you, reader, to try them out and see how they frame your day as they have framed mine...
1. If you're like me, you need a quick morning shower to wake you up. A short rinse leaves a lot of room for other morning rituals— enter, dry brushing. Dry brushing works by stimulating your lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system is responsible for removing waste and toxins from your blood, but unlike your cardiovascular system— there's no pump to facilitate the energetic movement that only the heart can supply. Therefore, the responsibility is upon us to invigorate blood flow! Dry brushing feels incredible, and as an added bonus— it tones the skin, reduces cellulite, and can even brighten your face when done gently! Start at the feet and slowly move upwards, always brushing towards the heart. I love getting at the little forgotten areas— behind the knees, behind the neck, even dosing my ribs with a touch of love. I highly recommend using this brush, as the leather handle and wood combination is a beautiful touch to any bathroom and it travels lightly.
2. "A sweat a day keeps sickness at bay." While our schedules seem sometimes too busy to allow for exercise— it's imperative to keep our bodies moving! A great cardiovascular system is proven to up your immunity-ante— not to mention that sweating helps your body get rid of toxins (there's that lymphatic system again!). Regular exercise challenges your body and prohibits your cells from entering a vegetative state— keeping your body in tip-top form both inside and out! Being out of breath after a run reminds me how good it feels to be alive. It's the little things that mean a lot! Jelena rock climbs for strength— yielding both physical health and mental stability.
3. A lengthy nighttime regime to ease into a deep and restful sleep. A peaceful rest is perhaps at the core of a productive and lively day. A meaningful slumber helps our bodies to fight off infection, and can mean the difference between catching a cold and staying well. Jelena is the proud owner of two king sized pillowcases, made by yours truly— as well as a Leizu throw which she loves to wind down in. Whether it's watching TV with her pups, or enjoying a glass of wine in her kimono— Jelena is a Leizu woman through and through! Her nighttime ritual consists of oil cleansing, an array of serums and oils from Marie Veronique, Pai, and Lesse, as well as "Sousa" CBD topical oil from Mineral Health (which I also have and adore). Our nighttime routines have a lot in common, perhaps because they parallel our busy lives as small-business owners!
I truly believe in the magic of silk, and the power and art of a beautiful sleep. It is a dream of mine for everyone to rest their heads every evening on one of my silk pillowcases— and the feeling of a dear friend incorporating my work into her nighttime regime is truly a dream come true. Take a peek at my silk pillowcases, and be sure to view my sleepwear and sleep accessories while you're here.
A beautiful sleep awaits you...